The School of Sailing and Seamanship Nautical Research library contains over 4400 books, magazines, pamphlets, and maps. Enhance your nautical knowledge by perusing our collections of great marine reference books and charts.
Or, if you are looking for a cool, quiet place to study, there are plenty of tables open for you.
Our Collection is Available Online
Use this link to search our collection online 24/7
Can you help with your used books?
Gifts of books, both new and used, have been donated by students and local residents and comprise most of the library’s collection. Although we’ve received hundreds of books, we still need more.
All titles relating to sailing, seamanship, and navigation are needed. Charts, guides, and videos are also welcome. If you would like to purchase a book as a gift, please ask to see our wish list of volumes. Your name will be inscribed in the book’s donor plate. Your gifts are tax deductible.
And best of all, if you want to visit your book (or a few thousand others) you will always be welcome in the library which will be open seven days a week.